Saturday, April 21, 2012

Getting Through Cardio

Without my music player(using my CarpeMuse Holder), I would never be able to make it through a workout. I have skipped my cardio work out plenty of times when I reached into my gym bag and found out I left my IPod at home. When I do remember to bring my IPod, I always have a play list prepared for my daily workout. Having the right music is key to getting me through the lags in my workout. Here is a sample of some of the music I have on my cardio playlist
1) Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
2) Perfect - Pink
3) Champion - Kanye West
4) Rain Over Me - Pitbull
5) Do You Want It - Razer
That’s my list, please share what music keeps you motivated!

After The Lift

Lifting weights and getting good cardio work outs are key to staying in shape, but eating properly is just as important. Many people think they can eat whatever they want after they workout or that it is not important as the actual workout. Although eating healthy won’t make your muscles pop out like doing bicep curls, it will give you added energy and make you feel much better. Replacing fast food with home cooked meals and fruits and vegetables keeps your immune system strong and gives you extra energy during work outs. Eating healthy should be considered part of the work out and will help keep you running strong. Share any good home recipes and daily meals that keep you strong and energized for your workouts!

Keeping Your Workout Fresh

The key to getting a good workout is to make sure that you do not get bogged down in the same routine week after to week. Make sure to try to get a workout partner that will keep you motivated to show up to the gym. Changing up your work out keeps you fresh and prevents you from getting tired of going to the gym. Try things like running outside instead of on the treadmill. Go for a swim instead of hitting the track. Play racquetball instead of lifting weights once in a while. What do you guys think is the best way to keep your workout fresh?